What's Docker ?
Docker is a versatile and powerful platform that simplifies and streamlines the process of building, packaging, and deploying applications. It is based on containerization technology, which allows developers to package an application and all its dependencies into a single, self-contained unit called a container. These containers are highly portable and can run consistently across different environments, such as development, testing, and production, without any compatibility issues. Docker provides a standardized way to develop, ship, and run applications, making it an essential tool for modern software development. It offers benefits like isolation, scalability, and ease of deployment, making it a key component in the world of containerized applications.
Installation of Docker engine here.
Managing Docker
Check Docker version
Display system-wide information about Docker
Log in to a Docker registry
Log out from a Docker registry
Show Docker disk usage
Remove all unused data (images, containers, etc.)
Pull a Docker image from a registry
Push a Docker image to a registry
Managing Images
List locally available Docker images
Remove a Docker image
Search for a Docker image on Docker Hub
Build a Docker image from a Dockerfile
Show the history of an image
Remove all dangling images
List Docker images
Managing Containers
List running containers
List all containers, including stopped ones
Create a new container from an image
Create and start a new container from an image
Create and start a container in detached mode
Stop a running container
Start a stopped container
Restart a container
Remove a container
Execute a command in a running container
View the logs of a container
Display a live stream of container resource usage
Attach to a running container's STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR
Docker Containers
Managing Containers
Display the running processes of a container
View detailed information about a container
Rename a container
Update the configuration of a container
Inspect changes to files or directories in a container
Block until a container stops, then print its exit code
Export a container's file system as a tar archive
Copy files/folders between a container and host
Container Networking
List Docker networks
Create a Docker network
View detailed information about a network
Connect a container to a network
Disconnect a container from a network
Container Health
Display a live stream of container resource usage
Display resource usage of a specific container
Docker Images
Managing Images
Save a Docker image to a tar archive file
Load a Docker image from a tar archive file
Remove all dangling images
List Docker images
Show the history of an image
Build a Docker image from a Dockerfile
Building Images
Create a new image from a container
Build a Docker image from a Dockerfile
Build an image from a Dockerfile from stdin
Image Tagging and Publishing
Create a tag for an image
Push an image to a registry
View detailed information about an image
Docker Compose
Managing Compose
Start services defined in a docker-compose.yml
Start services in detached mode
Stop and remove services defined in docker-compose.yml
View container logs for services in a compose file
List containers of services in a compose file
Docker Swarm
Initialize a Docker Swarm mode
Display the join token for adding nodes to a swarm
List nodes in a swarm
List services in a swarm
Create a new service in a swarm
Deploy a new stack in a swarm
Last updated