Note that the Linux version of FXServer is only provided as a courtesy port due to issues regarding Linux distribution compatibility and availability of diagnostic tools for native C++ code. If youโre experiencing any issues, youโre more likely to see them fixed if you use the Windows version.
1-Git if you want to follow the recommended way of cloning the base server data. 2-xz or xz-utils package.
Create a new folder (for example mkdir -p ~/FXServer/server), this will be used for the server binaries. Download the current recommended master branch build for Linux from the Linux server build listing (copy the URL for the recommended server version and use wget to download it). Extract the build to the directory that was previously created, using cd ~/FXServer/server && tar xf fx.tar.xz (you need to have xz installed, on Debian/Ubuntu this is in the xz-utils package). Clone cfx-server-data in a new folder outside of your server binaries folder. For example: git clone ~/FXServer/server-data Make a server.cfg file in your server-data folder (copy the example server.cfg file below into that file). Set the license key in your server.cfg using sv_licenseKey "licenseKeyGoesHere". Run the server from the server-data folder. cd ~/FXServer/server-data && bash ~/FXServer/server/ +exec server.cfg
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