
Introduction to Volatility3

1.1 What is Volatility3 ?

Volatility3 is an advanced memory forensics framework used for analyzing volatile memory (RAM) of systems. It is a powerful tool that allows investigators to extract valuable information from a memory dump, such as running processes, open network connections, registry hives, and more. Volatility3 is widely used in digital forensics and incident response investigations to gather evidence and gain insights into compromised systems.

1.2 Benefits of Using Volatility3

  • Volatility3 is open source and freely available, allowing for easy adoption and customization.

  • It supports a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  • It provides a comprehensive set of plugins and modules for various memory analysis tasks.

  • Volatility3 is highly extensible, allowing developers to create custom plugins for specific analysis requirements.

  • It has an active community of users and developers, providing support and sharing knowledge.

Installing and Setting Up Volatility3

2.1 System Requirements

Before installing Volatility3, ensure that your system meets the following requirements:

  • Python 3.x (preferably the latest version)

  • Pip package manager

  • Volatility3 source code or pre-built binary

  • Access to memory dumps for analysis

2.2 Installation Steps

Follow these steps to install Volatility3:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.

  2. Install Python 3.x if it is not already installed on your system.

  3. Install the required Python packages by running the following command:

pip install volatility3
  1. Clone the Volatility3 repository from GitHub using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility3.git
  1. Alternatively, if a pre-built binary is available, download it from the official Volatility3 website.

2.3 Verifying the Installation

To verify that Volatility3 is installed correctly, run the following command:

volatility3 -h

If the command displays the help message and available options, the installation was successful.

Basic Usage of Volatility3

3.1 Analyzing Memory Dumps

To analyze a memory dump with Volatility3, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain a memory dump file (.raw, .dmp, etc.) from the target system.

  2. Open a terminal or command prompt.

  3. Navigate to the directory where Volatility3 is installed.

  4. Run the following command to list available plugins:

volatility3 -h

This command will display a list of available plugins and their descriptions.

  1. Choose a plugin appropriate for your analysis task. For example, to list running processes, use the pslist plugin:

volatility3 pslist -f memory_dump.raw

Replace memory_dump.raw with the actual path to your memory dump file.

  1. Volatility3 will analyze the memory dump and display the list of running processes, along with relevant information such as process ID, parent process ID, and image name.

3.2 Using Plugin Options

Many Volatility3 plugins support additional options to fine-tune the analysis. For example, to display extra information about processes, you can use the --output=json option:

volatility3 pslist -f memory_dump.raw --output=json

This command will generate the output in JSON format, providing more detailed information.

3.3 Commonly Used Plugins

3.3.1 PsScan

The psscan plugin scans the memory dump and lists all running processes.

volatility3 psscan -f memory_dump.raw

3.3.2 PsTree

The pstree plugin displays the process tree hierarchy.

volatility3 pstree -f memory_dump.raw

3.3.3 Handles

The handles plugin lists open handles for processes.

volatility3 handles -f memory_dump.raw

3.3.4 Info

The info plugin provides general information about the memory dump.

volatility3 info -f memory_dump.raw

3.4 Advanced Analysis with Volatility3

Volatility3 offers advanced analysis capabilities through its plugins. Explore the documentation and experiment with plugins such as malfind, connections, and timeliner to gain deeper insights into memory forensics.

Homework: Investigating a Ransomware Infection

You discover that your computer has been infected by a ransomware group, and they have encrypted a very important file on your desktop, which happens to be a photo of a cat. You embark on a digital investigation to gather information.

Your objective is to find:

  1. The name of the malicious process responsible for encrypting the file and its PID.

  2. The name(s) and PID(s) of the infection vector(s) (processes).

  3. The decrypted file and the flag it contains.

  4. The original URL from which you downloaded the beautiful cat photo!

Use the Volatility3 framework and its plugins to analyze the memory dump provided.

Get the file here.


In this course, we covered the basics of Volatility3, an advanced memory forensics framework. We explored its features, benefits, installation process, and basic usage for analyzing memory dumps. Volatility3 offers a wide range of plugins and options for in-depth memory analysis, including plugins like psscan, pstree, handles, and info. With further practice and exploration, you can enhance your memory forensics skills and effectively use Volatility3 in your cybersecurity investigations.

Last updated